Our aim is to minister to all who enter our building and to teach them to minister to one another. Scroll below to see the different ministries we offer for you to both serve in and to be served.
Grow Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00am - 9:45am before our Worship Service. These are great opportunities for our adults to grow spiritually as we come together to learn more about God’s Word and how to apply it to our lives in a classroom setting.
At this 9:00am hour, we have one Grow Class, Pulse Student Ministry meets, and there is Childcare available.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Christian missions originated in the heart of God. He is a missionary God seeking true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23). In His love and mercy He offers eternal life to all those who come to Him believing (John 3:16), through His son Jesus Christ. Missions ministry is a vital part of our church because we believe this good news of the gospel is important to be shared with a world that is hurting and in sin, facing condemnation (John 3:18) from God.
OVCC Missions Ministry exists to engage our church in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all people groups, both locally and globally. We desire to see the church serve and love our community as a response to the gospel at work in our own lives. OVCC is also committed to supporting ministries whose motivation and focus is on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our church supports our missions partners through prayer, relationship, giving, and by going to the mission field when possible. We work with a variety of gospel-centered organizations as well as with our OVCC missionaries, who are having an impact for Christ both here in Ogden Valley, in Utah, and in other parts of the world.
When we know God and we’re growing in Him, the result will be that we show others how our relationship with Jesus Christ has changed our lives. While this starts with our family, neighbors, our co-workers and our friends, it also extends to the world around us. Being a gospel-presence in the Ogden Valley is of great importance to the members of OVCC. We are a body of people who know Jesus and our purpose is to glorify God by making disciples, impacting others in our community with the good news that God loves them and died for their sins. We desire to serve and love our community as a response to the gospel at work in our own lives.
In considering where to give, both global and local mission support, OVCC is committed to supporting ministries whose motivation and focus is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We support missions that align with OVCC’s statement of faith, giving priority to sharing the gospel, with accountability to a governing body that is Gospel-centered.
Netivah is a ministry in Israel that aims to minister to see young men and women come to the saving knowledge of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, knowing His love, becoming like Him and serving Him. They provide youth ministry through conferences, discipleship training, and other biblical teaching. They also have programs to minister to young men and women who are serving in their civic service as soldiers.
OVCC Contact: Isaac and Frosien Garaway
Location: Petah Tikva, Israel
OVCC’s prayer ministry exists to promote prayer within our church body. God invites us into an intimate relationship with Him and that relationship can be fostered through prayer.
The prayer team is committed to praying for needs both in and outside of our community of believers, whether in times of difficulty or in rejoicing with you as God works in our lives. The prayer team is available to pray with and for you immediately following the Worship Service every Sunday.
We also have offer Quarterly Church Prayer Meetings. These normally take place after church from 11:30am-1:00pm after church. The next Church Prayer Meeting will be on January 26th.
Additionally our prayer ministry offers a Men's Prayer Meeting that meets at church every Friday morning at 8:00am.